“Feeding Therapy 1: Its Not Just About Swallowing” Mary Beth and Julieanne discuss a feeding conference called “Happy Mealtime with Happy Kids” they recently attended which focused on feeding without stressing your child or yourself out. Parents should start out
Infant Feeding Skills

Kristin and Jenn talk about infant feeding, focusing on breast and bottle. Infant feeding is not a solely learned behavior; it is a neuro-developed skill, which means a child certain maturity level to effectively feed. In feeding the child completes
Acid Reflux & Feeding

Ashley and Rebekah discuss acid reflux and the effects it can have on your child’s feeding. Some of the symptoms of acid reflux are poor waking, sour breath, spitting up or gulping, and look on the child’s face. Sometimes infants
Speech Therapy iPad apps

https://youtu.be/rqyRAFRfwik Samantha and Megan discus using technology such as iPad in therapy and the Top 5 Speech Therapy Apps. KidoState Limited -Kids at Home HD Kids at Home is an educational application for children ages three and up. It tells
Language Therapy

https://youtu.be/eiwvIcLpVJg Chrissy and Erin explain how the speech developmental milestones correspond to speech therapy across different age groups. Usually at the 18-month checkup is when the pediatrician may make a referral for a child who may need speech therapy. The
Jaw Stability

https://youtu.be/SAcKKOYUaIs Melissa and Julieanne discuss jaw weakness and how it effects speech and language, and how you can tell if your child may have jaw weakness. The masseter muscle helps move your jaw. Just like any other muscle in your
Speech Therapy Bubbles

https://youtu.be/eUPyU53n700 Kelly and Audra discuss using bubbles in speech therapy. Some children may have weak muscels of the lips, or the orbicularis oris, so we need to work on “lip rounding”. You can also use bubbles for frontal air flow
Speech Developmental Milestones

https://youtu.be/MjG6-rPadAo Developmental milestones for speech and language are markers to determine whether a child has any delays and needs therapy. They are incorporated into evaluation testing, and let us specifically compare skills with a group of kids who have been
Therapy in Social Groups

Leah and Ashley discuss a project to start seeing children in a social group setting for extended time with other age related peers. What do we exactly mean by “social group”? Social group concentrates primarily on social communication skills. We
Bilingual speech therapy

In this episode, Julieanne and Leah discuss speech issues in a bilingual 4 year old who tested in both English and Spanish with severe receptive and expressive language delay. The parents wanted therapy to be done in English, even though