Now that fall is in full swing, here are some fun ideas for sensory activities and play to incorporate with your kiddos at home! Sensory play is a great way to also target OT, PT, and speech goals! Here are some fun ideas to try!

-go on a walk outside and collect leaves, sticks, acorns, chestnuts, etc. to put into sensory bins (check out a previous post on how to make sensory bins)

-make pumpkin scented cloud dough and put in a bin with muffin cups to scoop it out into with their hands! 

Recipe for pumpkin scented cloud dough can be found at

-make fall sensory bottles

You can use empty plastic drink bottles or glass Voss water bottles. These look great with water or putting items inside rice for kids to find by moving the bottle!

-taking out pumpkin guts! Scooping out or taking out seeds and pulp with their hands or a spoon. They get the chance to smell, see, and touch the various textures of a pumpkin! They can also smell and taste the pumpkin seeds.

-using spices to print onto playdoh! Flatten out the playdoh and use bay leaves, cloves, nutmeg, star anise, etc. to push, roll, stamp, and squish into the playdoh! 

-raking fallen leaves and putting them into an empty kiddie pool to let kids “swim” in

-having a fall leaf hunt to look for leaves of a particular color!

-painting pumpkins or painting leaves 

-gluing down candy corn on a do-a-dot page

-pushing down candy corn into playdoh to “plant” them or hiding candy corn in playdoh for the kids to find!

Fall Sensory Ideas