Low complexity physical therapy typically involves addressing relatively simple or straightforward conditions, such as minor injuries or basic mobility issues. These treatments generally require fewer sessions and simpler exercises compared to more complex cases.

Low complexity PT can include:

  1. Range of motion exercises: Gentle stretching and movement exercises to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness in affected joints or muscles.
  2. Strengthening exercises: Basic exercises that target specific muscle groups to enhance strength, endurance, and overall function.
  3. Balance and coordination exercises: Activities designed to improve stability, coordination, and reduce the risk of falls.
  4. Soft tissue mobilization: Manual techniques, such as massage or myofascial release, to alleviate pain and improve tissue health.
  5. Education: Providing patients with information on proper posture, body mechanics, and self-care strategies to prevent future injuries and maintain optimal physical health.

Low complexity PT is typically used to treat conditions such as minor sprains, strains, muscle imbalances, and post-surgical rehabilitation for uncomplicated surgeries. Treatment goals often include pain reduction, improved function, and prevention of further injury.