CPT code 96105 is used for psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by a technician, with single or multiple tests per hour, including the time for assisting in the selection of tests, test administration, scoring, test interpretation, and report preparation.

Examples of when we might use CPT code 96105 in our practice:

  1. Evaluating language and cognitive-communication skills: We might use the CPT code 96105 when administering tests that evaluate a client’s language and cognitive-communication abilities. For example, we may use the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) to assess a client’s aphasia, which is a language disorder that affects speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities following a brain injury, such as a stroke.
  2. Assessing receptive and expressive language skills: In some cases, we may use CPT code 96105 when administering tests that focus on a client’s receptive and expressive language skills. An example of such a test is the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF), which helps to identify and diagnose language disorders in children and adolescents. This test assesses various language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.
  3. Evaluating social communication skills: Another instance where we might use CPT code 96105 is when we need to evaluate a client’s social communication skills. This can be particularly important for clients with autism spectrum disorder, who often experience difficulties with social interaction and communication. We may administer tests like the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) or the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) to assess the client’s social communication skills and develop an appropriate intervention plan.

CPT code 96105 help speech therapists to better understand clients’ needs and develop tailored treatment plans for them.