CPT code 92523 is a medical billing code used to represent a speech and language evaluation. This evaluation includes both the assessment of speech sound production (articulation, phonological process, apraxia, and dysarthria) and the assessment of language comprehension and expression (including receptive and expressive language).

Examples of situations where CPT code 92523 may be used for a speech/language evaluation:

  • A 5-year-old child with a suspected speech sound disorder: The speech-language pathologist (SLP) conducts a comprehensive evaluation to assess the child’s speech sound production, identifying any articulation issues, phonological processes, or signs of apraxia or dysarthria. The SLP also evaluates the child’s language comprehension and expression, including their receptive and expressive language skills.
  • A stroke survivor experiencing difficulty with speech and language: The SLP conducts a thorough evaluation to determine the nature and severity of the individual’s speech and language deficits. This may include an assessment of articulation, phonological processes, apraxia, and dysarthria, as well as an evaluation of the individual’s receptive and expressive language abilities.
  • A teenager with a history of language delays: The SLP conducts a comprehensive evaluation to assess the teenager’s current speech and language abilities. This includes assessing speech sound production, such as articulation, phonological processes, apraxia, and dysarthria, and evaluating the teenager’s receptive and expressive language skills to determine if any language deficits persist or if new issues have arisen.